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Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm thankful for a mother who no matter how many fights or disagreement we get in, she stills comes over at night and takes me home, keeps me safe.
I'm thankful for a stepmom who makes my dad pull over and starts driving, who trys to keep me safe.
I'm thankful for a boyfriend who says it's okay to cry, and holds me really tight.
I'm thankful for friends who follow me to another room when i'm on the phone, even if we haven't talked in months, and makes sure i'm okay.
I'm thankful for friends who offer to leave the party to drive me home.
I'm thankful for friends who send me texts telling me they hope everything is okay.
I'm thankful for friends saying i can go into the front room.
I'm thankful for friends who hug me when i'm crying.

I'm thankful for a dad who's trying atleast, and crys when talking to me.

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