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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My head

I'm way way way too tired for my own good. AH WHAT IF I STOPPED FUCKING COMPLAING?!?

Alright, today was great, much better than yesterday. WAY better than yesterday. It was the first half day at Corona Del Sol, which is grand. Hung out with Laura, Zak, and Alex, which turned out to be way better than goign to Jeff's apparently, because Jeff was being stupid. I knew it would be better for the fact, i didn't feel akward in laura's house, and i just am more at home ther, while i've always been so.. soo.. unbelongign at jeff's house. oh, and teh fact, jeff wasn't there, and neither was steph. I like steph, just not when she's beign a bitch/ when jeff's with her, because he has some kind of crazy obbession with her. WEIRD. Next point, i was with ZAK. zakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzakzak. Yeah, that made things way better. and the fatc i was with lauralauralauralaura.

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