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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why is only... The 30th?

The impossible choices that we just can't choice. I always have said, there's always a third option, a scapegoat. But recently I wouldhave to say that I couldn't be more wrong. There seems to be no at around, out or through to make this right. Make my life worthwhile. In general my life feels usless placeless and there seems to be no impact. Is there anything I've done for you? I think not. Each day is repetivE and I don't care. Each night I dream the same objective dreams with no point or place. Everything that has or will happen has no affect and no feeling of.. Imporantce.

"so I wipe the blood from both of they're eyes all four of they're eyes"

She. I was asked if there was something to my life to make it better, I answered nothing. There is nothing that is easily reachable for me to have to make my life better. Going back in time be reliving 8th grade will help none. The past is the past and I know that. I may cherish those memories move than my life, but it'll do nothing. Because in 365 days ill be sitting here again. Running home from school, doing the work that's my mind doesn't even think about, and closing my blinds. Sitting, playing blue October. SCREAMING blue October. And fighting off every urge to make this perminet. A fixated spot staining months and years of my life. It gets to a point though. When your at your climax, and you just have to go.

I'm going.

There's only one thing to make this better, and let me tell you, there's no fucking way that'll ever happy. I want manic backx38639639xx

Everyday every minute every mroning I bomb onto the same locked doors and bolted down windows, I don't know how to break it to you,
But I can't be with you.

But I want to be with him

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