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Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've found, you can't let yourself be weak.. Even if you swear it's for a might, it hurts you just the same. So i'm going to stand back up and keep no walking and not notice the pain pounding on the door.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Utah ski bus

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ii've have this new addiction to staying up really late listening to blue october.

Friday, March 27, 2009


My head doesn't hurt and hasn't hurt since exactly 1;38 this morning!

I fell alsleep around 10:30 ish woke up around 1:38, and was awke till around 3:45 tiding up and gettign ready for todayy.

Went to bed and now i'm awake again with a total of..(drum roll please) 5 hours of sleep!
you knwo abosed to the normal of 8.
Wait, never mind i'm always up at different timessss.

off to go hang with daddy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's just that

My head hurts and my phone's not working.

I'm trying so hard not to talk SO much about me and my repetives and my moments, i want to focus on others and not on myself btu everythign that spills out of my mouth; through my texts and out my fingers is about me, how i feel, what's happened to me, what music I like. Driving me nuts hurting me nuts.

my heads pounding and has been hurting since 6th, really 2nd. It hurts and pounddds driving me to extremes, if something doesn't break i'm sure i'm going to overdose on the amounts of advil i've been popping. It could be that i took 2 allergy pills before i went to bed yesterday to "see the effect it would have on me"(not really), or the fact i have new "scraps" or just the fact that it's so winndy that my head is clogged from everyhting. it could be all that, or i could be stressed that my grades are falling or i'm scared we are going to fall aparrtt.

my head is still throbbign after dinner,
i have adcil to take but i think thsi head-ache is goign to make me throw up.
I'll wait to to do till my parents are in bed though.. i need to go to school tomorrow.. be happy, be okay.

I want to know why everythign can be perfect but i can still feel liek something bad is goign to happen.. ughh.

Well anyway, the track meet was good i talked to jack alot and this random kid from akemal was hittign on me, but anyway.. i hung out with Jack Neenly and Jeff. Evern though i was mad at him.

Mackenzie is spending the night tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The thought me having a friend depart again, hurts no matter how close you are, even if you have drifted use the last few years, and to know that they might be put on a plane and sent away.. It's just not okay

Monday, March 23, 2009

I have no patience

for you games and mind tricks.
Gte to teh fucking point and stop tryign to make peopel guess it, we aren't your little servants and i will most defintly not put up with your crap. Get it toegther or tell me what's wrong and i'll try to help.


Your gonna slip into a dream,
And i'm going to join you under teh sheets.
When the sheets are lifted
Sparkles will slip and lie over your head,
Casting the spell i could never for you,
To twist and have butterflies and beuty fly outwards.

I'll sit with you and wonder how you could stay,
As the goldern blackened flickered wings flutter above the beuty promising you more.
As the cast changes to blue,
The waved cover you and i float high,

Your gonna slip.

That spell is never going to leave you when you wkae up,
You'll go, I know.
It turns to pink and images golden hair and strings of blue fly by,
Rosy pink to hide the red shed from me.

Your gonna go.

The green of teh new will turn us around.
Again sparkles will lie over you.
I'll leave before you wake, that spell will never leave-the one i could never cast,
And you'll be gone.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ohh mi gee

I lied to will today. :/
Feel kinda bad.

Went to the mall Best buy and Target. I lovvvvvvve JEFFREY!

Ugh, why aren't my words coming through in streams like they should?


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Is amazing, ah-ah-ahmazing.

I was up at the crack of dawn, really just 8. Peeled over 1200 band aids(i'm not joking), and unwrapped sryginges, so some brats could get shots.

I wen to the mall with my mom goign to Forever 21, Charollte Russe and Journey's.
Has anyone noticed forever 21 has John 1:16 printed on the bottom of teh bags? Sickienign in a way.

Alot's happened

In two weeks,

The world's not shaking. I've lied. I've sat around. I have "stayed chill".

But now it;s back to writing, being "deep" and strivign to understand eevry fucking thing.

I'm not goign to understand fucking thing.

I hate seeign Savannah sad, she is a person that deserves nothign bad and it seems she's getting alot bad hits, i just don't see it's fairrrrr!

Okay this blog is slowly dieng so i'm off to post another.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ah, today is good. ;) this week is going great and jeff and i already have plans for tomorrow, we figured out the annevirey(i can't spell.. Ever) is thursday so we are going to hang out any way tomorrow. Yay! Hahah :) tata

Monday, March 16, 2009

I see there has been confusion in my words, the whole break up thing, it means figuretive. Hahaha. ;)