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Monday, April 19, 2010

Under the

Layers I've set up so carefully this year,
I'm still the little girl that got a pretty locket for her 13th birthday,
from a boyfriend who I thought loved her,
and the girl that can't breathe when hate me comes on,

I still want my hand wrapped around yours
a half finished cigarrette that makes my stomach roll
my lower lip trembling
as I try to hold it together

I'm still the girl with long strawberry blonde hair,
purple fingers,
and your intials cut into my hip.

I want 3am runs
screaming music videos
gross energy drinks
tears that I don't need to hold in
and words you can really understand
blue flooded stages
and a lead singer walking in the crowd
a locket full of hope that he loved me back
a hip full red lines
and a meaning to every song

we can pick back up though.

Mackenzie Taylor Crawford
you are still the only person to understand me
you are still the only person to see me cry
I will
I am
I have
I will always

I love you.
My red suned world, has a deep blue sky.
And there's a hilll at the very heart of it all,
and that's where you are.

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